Leadership for Today, Hope for Tomorrow!




How We



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Partner With Us
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There are several ways you can partner with us in this great adventure!

First, we appreciate your prayers. We believe that God answers prayer and that with His blessings we can succeed. Please pray that God will direct our decisions, protect those we are mentoring, guide our relationships and use us as a catalyst for hope in Bolivia.

On the road to Parque Nacional Tunari

Next, you might consider visiting Bolivia or taking on a particular project in Bolivia or in the United States. We have opportunities for individuals, churches and foundations. We currently have links with ministries in missionary aviation, child care and training, leadership development, various economic development projects, an international church, a prison ministry and a few medical clinics. We can use your skills! In the US we are specifically looking for help with our online store, so if you have PHP and HTML skills, please let us know!

Finally, you can partner with us financially. Your gifts help us to continue our work in Bolivia. Please send gifts to:

Viva Bolivia
500 Westover Dr
 PMB 17744
Sanford, NC 27330

(Gifts are no longer tax deductable. Please write in advance if you have any questions.)
[email protected]

Please make checks payable to "Jonathan Schoenhals"
and write gift and VB on the memo line.

You can donate from Bolivia using the QR below!
(please note this is not a tax-deductable gift for US taxpayers)

We would like to thank you personally, so unless you mark your donation as "anonymous," you will be hearing from us. Please feel free to call us (206) 913-7054 if you have any questions about your donations. Or, write us with any questions, concerns or "good news."

Viva Bolivia is no longer a 501(c)(3) public charity, so your contributions are not tax-deductible (as of January 2025). Gifts made from February 2004 and December 2024 may have been tax dedutable (ask your accountant). You can view our advanced ruling determination letter (February 2004) and our final ruling letter (March 2008) from the IRS by clicking on the links. We are no longer a Washington State nonprofit corporation and are no longer a registered charity with Washington State. VB is now a personal project of Jonathan and Karin Schoenhals so gifts can be directed to them directly.

However you decide to partner with us, thank you!

Viva Bolivia exists to support and encourage positive
leadership and sustainable development within Bolivia.

Copyright 2025 by Jonathan Schoenhals. All Rights Reserved.
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