Contact Us Email Addresses | Board Members | Phone | Fax Mailing Address | Shipping Information | Mailing List Sign Up E-mail is the easiest and fastest way to reach us: (Click on the links below to send us a message) Jonathan Schoenhals (co-Founder/President) Karin Schoenhals (co-Founder) Mike Rice (Vice President) Kristine Calawa (Treasurer) Nikki Cliffe (Secretary) Nate Wetzel (Board Member) Phone Number: +1 (206) 913-7054 Cellular Number in Bolivia: +591 (7) 744-7507 (Juan Jose) Check your long-distance rates before calling to Bolivia. From the United States we have found rates as low as 16-cents per minute, however many phone companies will gladly charge you in excess of $2.00 per minute. Also, remember to dial 011 before the number when calling from the United States. Viva Bolivia Office in Bolivia: +591 (4) 458-8736 (Cochabamba, Bolivia) You can also reach our team in Bolivia at our offices, by calling this local (Cochabamba) number. We are located in the 'America' building on the corner of Ayacucho & General Acha on the 5th floor in office number 4. If you are here in Cochabamba, you can give a radio taxi the following directions map and directions: 
Viva Bolivia Productos y Servicios S.R.L. Edificio Am�rica, oficina 5-4 (piso 5, of. 4) esquina Ayacucho & General Acha Cochabamba, Bolivia Fax Number: +1 (800) 991-2996 ATTN: Viva Bolivia #17744 (write this on the FAX)
We have a shared fax number. So, when you send us a fax, we get an email with the fax attached as a PDF file. This means we can get your fax no matter where we are in the world! Mailing Address in Bolivia is: (Please see shipping information below.) Viva Bolivia Casilla 973 Cochabamba BOLIVIA Mailing Address in the United States is: (Please send donations and contributions to this address.) Viva Bolivia 500 Westover Dr Unit 17744 Sanford, NC 27330
(Please note we are still based in Washington State. The above address is just for mailing purposes -- they scan and process our mail on our behalf) Shipping Information: Please e-mail us prior to sending anything with a declared value greater than $100 and/or a weight of more than 4 lbs. (2kg). There are restrictions on what can be mailed into Bolivia (this includes used clothes) and also a nice little tax for us to pay in some cases. You can learn more about shipping to Bolivia from the United States by clicking here. In most cases you will want to ship your package via airmail. We recommend that you take your package directly to the post office to confirm the postage and to be sure that you have the necessary forms. Also, it is important to declare a value on the customs forms. If the value is marked as zero, there is a good chance we will get to open the package for a personal inspection by the post office professionals on this end. You can send a 1-ounce standard (#10) envelope via airmail for $0.80 from the United States. Mailing List Sign Up: |